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Installing and Setting up Micronet Advantage Suite

Installation and setup of your Micronet Advantage Suite software is generally done by a Micronet representative or qualified dealer. If you are unsure of the ramifications of installing or setting up the system, contact one of these agents first.

Most of the procedures described in this section are performed during the initial setup of your Micronet system to customise Micronet to your requirements, and are rarely changed afterwards. Most of these setup options should certainly not be changed in the middle of the month. Some may be changed after an End of Month and before any new transactions have commenced for the new month.

The company and system parameters (set under the MAINTENANCE menu) can be different for each company using the Micronet software. When setting up these parameters, make sure they are correct for your company by running the appropriate reports at the conclusion of the setup session. Reports you should run after a couple of transactions are the Tax Summary, Daily Sales Report, and Goods Received Report. Remember, a few hours checking results after setting up the initial parameters may save many hours of re-keying data later.

The following topics cover: